Church App



Download the app!

The church app is a free download on the Apple Store and Google Play. Search “LBCAppo” and scroll until you find the correct app like the photo shared here.



Find helpful resources.

When you open the church app on your phone, you will see a similar home screen that provides a navigation of resources also found on our website.

This app will be updated frequently, so you might be prompted to refresh the app to see the latest details.

At the bottom of the home screen, you’ll find menu options to help you find what you’re looking for.



Take notes during sermons.

The Sundays tab will provide you with service times, location, and sermon notes to help you follow along with the message.



Give online.

The app makes giving of your tithes much easier! If online giving meets your needs, this is a secure and efficient way to process it to the general fund or specific ministry.